Amazon Business School Online



Since its first edition in 2012, when Green Rio was recognized as a side-event of Rio+20, this event has been establishing its position as the marketplace for Green Economy and Bioeconomy.

Representatives of the Government, of industry, commerce and services, the third sector, the academic field, small and medium companies – all these segments find at Green Rio/Green Latin America a public interested in innovation, in sustainable initiatives and solutions that include adding value, creating jobs and income.

Since 2017, the German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Workshop, a governmental meeting between Germany and Brazil in the Bioeconomy scenario, has been held annually at Green Rio/Green Latin America.

Biodiversity & Bioeconomy, Food Safety, Energy Transition, Innovation and Rural-Urban Development are some of the topics addressed in the successive editions of Green Rio, in the Conference, in the exhibitors’ area, and at business meetings.

Green Rio/Green Latin America is the place for strategic meetings, for formalizing partnerships, promoting trends and debates on challenges and opportunities for sustainable development, in regional, national and international scenarios.

Amazonia has been present in all editions of Green Rio, whether at the Conference, whether in the exhibitor area, or at business meetings. At Green Rio 2022, Instituto Amazônia 4.0 brought an Amazon Creative Laboratory to the event, arousing the interest of the public and potential partners. And so it will continue in 2023, with the launch of online Amazonia Bioeconomy courses.